refine manners, as manners refine morals.”
--Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
The Charmed Warriors™ series include three four-hour sessions
which are the most important classes any pre-teen or teen woman
can ever attend during this critical phase of her development.
The goal is twofold; one, to encourage a self-discovery of her
innate gifts which will assist her in the development of her social
and career path based on sound moral and ethical principles of
conduct. Secondly, to develop the ability to distinguish between art
form as it pertains to their pop culture through music, art
advertisements that are targeted to the youth, as well as all aspects
of pop art of our day.
It is important that these young women begin to discover that
there are differences between art expression – art
form as
compared to the reality of the artist giving expression. The purpose
of developing such an ability to differentiate between art and
reality is critical so that one realizes there is a difference
between the artist and the performance. Modern dress codes and
rude behavior of youth generally stems from a faulty awareness
from what they see within the art form matrix. To be accepted within
their peer group they believe they must emulate these forms of
art expressions. This is not true, this is not reality and this
class will assist the student to develop this awareness to better
assist them in making their own choices based on sound reasoning.
Getting caught up in the pop culture historically leads to many
young people falling off the cliff to self-destruction. Arming
these charmed warriors™ with skills necessary to swim against the
current of their time will produce leaders and statesmen for tomorrow.
Within these series of classes all aspects of etiquette
and protocols are taught. The do’s and don’ts of practically
any subject as it relates to manners is included. Each session
will include a dining portion which will give the student hours
of practice on all aspects of table dining, listening and conversation
In depth discussion to distinguish between the artist
and art form within pop culture
Self-discovery through assignments in journal writing,
poetry of thought in order to identify those obvious or latent
areas of interest for future development
Image – codes of dress and behavior
Interviewing Skills – landing that first summer job
Conflict Resolution Skills/Being a respectful debater
Negotiation Skills – creating a win win solution
Enrollment based on application only. We apologize
for we do have a waiting list for this class. Please contact
our office and we will provide you with the schedules. Classes
are taught in both the Los Angeles area, New York and London. Thank
Three Sessions all inclusive – Twelve Hours of Instruction
Register Today !
Contact Information
Diane Diehl Company
Office: 949-300-9432 |
- Diane Diehl
Diane Diehl Company