great hope of society is in individual character"
-- Channing
The charismatic person is noticed immediately. They are
self-confident and are aware of their surroundings at all times.
These are remarkable individuals who have the ability to listen
well, communicate well, remain calm even in the mist of a storm.
What is their state of mine? What are their secrets? In this
full day class we will explore the skills that these individuals
have learned. Yes, these are skills and techniques that can be
learned and with practice one can develop their own sense of
There is only one prerequisite and that is the desire to become
a leader, a statesman who will within their own field of interest
either socially, politically or economically, have a positive impact
on their world. It is recommended that one attend the Polish
Projects Power class first before attending this class.
Subjects that will be covered include:
- What is charisma
- Identifying your leadership style
- Listening & Communication skills
- Speech Development/Focus/Dictation/Audience eye contact
- Goal setting before the performance
- Networking a room
- Sensitivity Development/cultural differences
- Establishing rapport
- Spatial perceptions for communicating effectively
- Understanding your communication style
- Secrets of the "C" factor
- Your image quotient analysis and impact on others
This class will also include a power tutorial lunch for develop
one's dining skills and table conversation interaction.
Register Today !
Contact Information
Diane Diehl Company
Office: 949-300-9432 |
- Diane Diehl
Diane Diehl Company